• Review Process


    The review process for conferences such typically involves several stages to ensure that the submitted papers meet the required academic standards.


    Review Process Overview

    Submission of Papers:

    • Authors submit their full papers or abstracts through the conference's submission system by the specified deadline.

    Initial Screening:

    • The conference committee performs an initial screening to check if the submissions comply with the guidelines, including formatting and relevance to the conference themes.

    Assignment to Reviewers:

    • Each paper is assigned to a set of peer reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. This assignment is typically done by the conference's program committee or track chairs.

    Peer Review:

    • Reviewers evaluate the papers based on several criteria such as originality, significance, methodology, clarity, and relevance to the conference topics. The review is double-blind to ensure impartiality, meaning that neither the reviewers nor the authors know each other's identities.

    Reviewers’ Feedback:

    • Reviewers provide their recommendations and feedback, which may include suggestions for improvements, comments, and an overall assessment (e.g., accept, minor revision, major revision, reject).

    Review Consolidation:

    • The program committee consolidates the feedback and makes final decisions based on the reviewers’ recommendations. This may involve additional discussion among committee members, especially in cases of conflicting reviews.

    Notification of Decision:

    • Authors are notified of the decision, which could be an acceptance, a request for revisions, or a rejection. For papers requiring revisions, authors are given feedback and a deadline to resubmit the revised paper.

    Revision and Resubmission (if applicable):

    • Authors revise their papers according to the reviewers’ feedback and resubmit them. The revised papers may go through another round of review to ensure that the necessary changes have been made.

    Final Decision:

    • The program committee makes the final acceptance decisions based on the revised submissions. Authors of accepted papers are then given instructions for preparing the final camera-ready versions of their papers.

    Conference Presentation:

    • Accepted papers are scheduled for presentation at the conference. Authors are expected to register for the conference and present their work.